Our dataset DomainNet has now been released. The dataset contains 6 domains, 345 categories and about 0.6 million images, which is by far the largest cross-domain dataset.
Several new papers on uncovering bias in captioning models (ECCV'18,
EMNLP'18), explainable AI (BMVC'18,
ECCV'18) and language-based navigation (NIPS'18)
Introducing High School Women to the World of Artificial Intelligence
Our paper titled Deep CORAL: Correlation Alignment for Deep Domain Adaptation has won the Honorable Mention Paper of the TASK-CV workshop at ECCV'2016.
Moving to Boston University! Kate has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the
Computer Science Department at Boston University, and will be moving this summer, along with her group. Stay tuned for the new website.